This blog discusses sexism women face in sports, growing up, education, and their careers. It covers the inequality in job salary and many other issues within daily life.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Gender Confusion and Stereotypes in Adolescents

This article reflects on the development of gender identity and the stereotypical views of what interests little girls and little boys. It also displays how gender is taught by peers, and most of the time, in elementary years, children associate with their own gender and see the other gender as "gross". This article provides help for parents who are concerned that their child isn't following their proper gender role and that it is okay for children to have different interests away from what is gender appropriate.

Gender Confusion and Stereotypes

"Gender Identity and Gender Confusion In Children." American Academy of Pediatrics, 30 Dec. 2011. Web. 30 Nov. 2012. <>.

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